A simple API to use logging features in Lua.

Rolling File appender

The rolling file appender can be used to write log messages to a file. It uses Lua I/O routines to do its job. The rolling file appender rolls over the logfile once it has reached a certain size limit. It also mantains a maximum number of log files.

function logging.rolling_file(filename, maxFileSize, [maxBackupIndex], [logPattern])
  • filename:
    The name of the file to be written to.
    If the file cannot be opened for appending the logging request returns nil and an error message.
  • maxFileSize:
    The max size of the file in bytes. Every time the file reaches this size it will rollover, generating a new clean log file and storing the old log on a filename.n, where n goes from 1 to the configured maxBackupIndex.
    The more recent backup is the one with the lowest n on its filename.
    Eg. test.log.1 (most recent backup)
    test.log.2 (least recent backup)
  • maxBackupIndex:
    The number of backup files that will be generated. The default value is 1.
  • logPattern:
    A pattern can be specified to control how the message is written.
    The default value is "%date %level %message\n".



local logger = logging.rolling_file("test.log", 1024, 5, "%Y-%m-%d")

logger:info("logging.file test")



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